Different Learning Styles: The VARK Model

Even though there are several learning styles, the VARK model is considered one of the most effective models. However, it has some limitations (discussed below) that can be overcome using a Multimodal learning model.

Thus, there is no one-size-fits-all theory! Depending on your learning style, you need to find the perfect and effective method to suit your requirements.
In this guide, we have discussed the VARK model in depth, including its benefits, disadvantages, and multimodal learning style and how to incorporate it into your learning pathway. Let’s get started!

What Is The VARK Model?

Neil Fleming proposed the VARK model, which depicts four modalities: Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic. It is used as a key mode to learn information effectively and is also widely used by students and teachers.

Here’s a quick summary of the VARK model:

VARK ModeExamples:
Visual pictures, diagrams, maps, flow charts, graphs
Auditory discussion, podcasts, recorded lectures, music
Reading and writing reading textbooks, reports, essays, assignments, manuals, making lists, taking notes
Kinesthetic learning movement, simulations, experiments, role-playing exercises, hands-on activities

However, some modalities overlap. Depending on the work type the individual uses, the way the information is received and processed can vary.

Visual (V)

Visual aids include displaying information through diagrams, maps, flow charts, graphs, and other visual types.
Visual learners prefer information presented in a visual format. Such learners remember information in visuals rather than in written formats or paragraphs.
For example, a visual learner prefers colorful infographics, patterns, and shapes showing the information in a less complex manner.

Auditory/Aural (A)

Auditory learners grasp information effectively through verbal communication and sounds. They tend to remember information explained in lectures (verbal lecture discussions), other discussions, or audio recordings.
If you consider auditory learners, they highly prefer listening and learning through podcasts, group discussions, or recorded lectures. Thus, for such learners, retaining and enhancing comprehension takes longer than reading texts.
For example, an auditory learner may create songs to help remember information effectively or even say louder to oneself. Are you one of them?

Read/Write (R)

Read/write indicates writing or reading written material to absorb information. However, very few students and teachers prefer this learning style. This type of learning style includes all types of reading and writing activities, such as reading or writing reports, essays, assignments, manuals, and more!
Read/write learners primarily focus on providing texts and reading or writing as outputs. Hence, they prefer to absorb information through reading and writing activities such as textbooks, articles, or note-taking.
For example, these types of learners prefer to read the textbook or even take down a lot of notes during sessions.

Kinaesthetic (K)

Kinaesthetics refers to learning information through experience or practice through simulations, experiments, role-playing exercises, or real life. Thus, such learners prefer to do activities and gain personal experiences.
Kinaesthetic learners prefer to gain the most from hands-on experiences and physical activities. Thus, they prefer to engage with material through movement, touch, and manipulation.
For example, Kinaesthetic learners enjoy painting, cooking, sports, or even practically doing experiments to gain experience. Moreover, they have difficulties sitting for long hours in one specific place.

Benefits And Disadvantages Of The VARK Model

The following are the benefits of the VARK model:

  • Has a structured framework
  • Focus on learning preferencesHelps educators create inclusive learning environments.
  • Aids to improve student engagement, comprehension, and retention.
  • Identifying the right learning style helps to enhance one’s performance.

The following are the disadvantages of the VARK model:

  • Individuals may not solely fit into one specific learning style.
  • Solely relying on one model may overlook other factors.
  • If the individual doesn’t find the right learning style, it may negatively influence the learning.

How To Identify Your Learning Style?

Here’s how you can identify your learning style:

Are you a visual learner?If so, you remember and find information interesting in visuals.
Are you an auditory/aural learner?If you are an auditory learner, you tend to remember information when conveyed in audio form rather than reading or on a text basis.
Are you a read-write learner?If so, do you remember information either or both when you read and/or write?
Are you a kinesthetic learner?If so, you enjoy gaining practical experience by testing out things that remain in your room longer than all the above three learning styles.

Hence, identifying your learning style is crucial to enhance your learning growth and potential. The critical way to do it is through self-assessment. Observe yourself, including study habits, practical methodologies, and outcomes gained to find the perfect fit.

What Is Multimodal Learning?

Multimodal learning is a holistic approach that integrates multiple sensory modalities. Hence, it addresses the limitations of singular learning styles.
Thus, instead of solely focusing on one style, you can use multimodal learning techniques to enhance the learning strategies.

What Are The Strategies For Incorporating A Multimodal Learning Approach?

Use mindmapsIt’s a diagrammatic multimodal learning approach to organize information effectively. It is beneficial for visual learners to understand from a better perspective.
Engage in collaborative learning sessionsTeachers can organize the children into groups and training sessions to complete specific tasks.
Use interactive whiteboardsUsing whiteboards helps to keep the discussion visually appealing and audio-based to enhance participation.
Use instructional MaterialsMany instructional materials, such as visuals, audio recordings, written texts, and hands-on activities, are used.
Incorporate assessment methodsYou can provide assessments such as making presentations, written assignments, or practical demonstrations catering to different types of learning.
Gain regular feedbackSeek to gain regular and constructive feedback from teachers to streamline your learning path effectively. Hence, you can overcome the challenges faced in a better manner.


In conclusion, even though the VARK model is a practical approach, if a learner doesn’t specifically fall into only a learning style, it may be ineffective.
Hence, to overcome this challenge, you can use multimodal learning, a flexible approach that can accompany one or more modalities. Therefore, you can effectively identify the obstacles and incorporate them into your learning style!
We hope this guide helped you learn about the VARK and Multimodal learning styles!